A Travellerspoint blog

Planting snowdrops

Dunster Castle Woodland

semi-overcast 14 °C
View Wild Atlantic Way Ireland on tjcampergirl's travel map.

Part of my time travelling was to get involved with volunteering where ever I can.
But the first few weeks I have been learning the ropes.
I have done the voluntary litter pick on the beach and now I am heading to Dunster Castle to help plant snow drops in the woodlands, this is a National Trust initiative. Sheila will be coming along too.

We planted 200 snowdrops in the Riverside walk woodland of Dunster Castle, we had a great day and even found time for a cream tea. There will be 3000 bulbs going into the ground over this weekend.

After leaving Sheila behind in Somerset I travelled onto the Cotswolds to visit good friends Claire, Toffee, Rabbit and Iris - that is the order they came into my life. Had a fab visit, thank you for the great food, loved cycling around the Cotswold villages that are so beautiful. Bought my veg from a home garden - the bike was heavy cycling back!

I still have the red admiral butterfly everyday over my path, and when I was in Weymouth a butterfly and a dragonfly came with me along my path, dancing in front of me as I cycled along.

I have had my first rainbow in the Cotswolds, so magical - see photos.

I am now zooming through the Wales to get to the ferry crossing to Ireland - so lots of driving and not much site seeing until I arrive in Ireland, when I can slow the pace a little. I have driven 1000 miles in three weeks - amazing.

I am missing the sea as not now been near the sea since Sunday - back again today as I head West.

Posted by tjcampergirl 06:40 Archived in England Tagged flowers friends fun woodlands

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